Our Services
Contract Drafting and Review
We have strong subject matter expertise; deep knowledge of and experience with the review, redlining, and negotiation of a wide range of commercial contracts.

Commercial contract drafting, review and revision, contract abstraction services.

Draft minutes for board meetings and general meetings, resolutions, notices and otherwise prepare other necessary corporate legal forms in compliance with local laws.

Capture deviations from standard terms and conditions.
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Statutory Consulting Services
⦿ Trade License
⦿ Shops and Establishments management services
⦿ EPF and ESI management services
⦿ Professional Tax services
⦿ Registration
⦿ Renewal and Maintaining records and returns under CLRA
⦿ Minimum Wages Act
⦿ Factories Act
⦿ Payment of Wages Act
⦿ Maternity Benefit Act
⦿ Payment of Gratuity Act
⦿ Payment of Bonus Act
⦿ Equal Remuneration Act
⦿ Labour Welfare Fund Act
⦿ Interstate Migrant Workmen Act
⦿ Pollution Control Board and other Environmental Laws.
⦿ Manpower services
⦿ Discipline procedure
⦿ Complete life cycle support to employees
⦿ Exit Formalities of employees
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Statutory Compliance Assessment
⦿ To identify, limit and monitor all compliance risks associated with business activities
⦿ We will do gap analysis, assess the existing compliance structure and processes.
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Regulatory and Case Law Updates
Regulatory & Case Law Updates Service– Highlights
  1. To track and monitor any regulatory and case law updates for the in-scope list of legislations and client’s area of operations that need to be tracked.
  2. To undertake analysis & report updates to client with links and source with a copy if available with an easy to understand subject and summary as and when it is available on the public domain.
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Drafting Internal Company Policies
Internal company policies are a set of documented guidelines that establish standards in areas such as proper procedures and employee behavior. In many cases, internal policies must meet certain legal requirements, such as those regarding an employee's right to privacy. The types of polices companies implement vary widely, depending on the nature of the business and the management's philosophy. Examples of company policy drafted by Lserv:
⦿ Dress Code
⦿ Computer Use
⦿ Anti-sexual Harassment policy
⦿ Attendance
⦿ Asset use
⦿ Standing Orders
⦿ Anti-bribery
⦿ Discipline procedure
⦿ Preparing of HR Manual/Induction Manual
⦿ Other HR Policies
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* Disclaimer: Please note that UnecoLserv is not a law firm. This memorandum is not a legal opinion and should not be treated as one.